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Fire & Smoke Resistant Letterplate

Firemaster Fire & Smoke Resistant Letterplate
Data Sheet
Fire and Smoke Restant Leterplate

The Firemaster letterplate provides in excess of 30 minutes fire resistance
and protection against cold smoke in line with BS 9999. It features a
telescopic intumescent liner, making it suitable for a range of door
thicknesses. A robust aluminium construction and nylon brush seals prevent
vision through the letterplate, whilst also providing draught proofing.

Security Cowl


Size Guide

Test evidence

* Fire: BS 476-20/22:1987.
* Smoke: BS 476-31.1:1983.
* Acoustic: BS EN ISO 717-1:2013     (up to Rw 32dB).
* Durability: 15,000 cycles.

* Can provide 30 minutes fire  resistance.

* Provides protection against cold smoke in line with
  the requirements of BS 9999:2017 and Approved
  Document B.

Overall Size
* 304mm x 70mm.
* Door thickness
* 40mm min.
* 70mm max.

Door aperture size
* 285mm x 55mm.

Seal material
* Graphite intumescent liner.

* Silver anodised, polished silver or polished gold aluminium.

Use with
* A security cowl is available to prevent vision through the
letterplate when open, and to inhibit manipulation of locks/bolts,
tampering and attack from outside.


Certifire CF219
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